ESC Services

Routine Care

We Provide Routine Care for the Continued Success of your Horse.

Routine care is important to keep all horses healthy and happy. Equine Surgical Center offers routine wellness care for all classes and ages of equines. Routine care includes a comprehensive wellness examination, dental exams and equilibration, vaccines, deworming, and equine infectious anemia (coggins) testing.

Dental examinations are important for not only the comfort of the horse but also to optimize the way the horse eats. Each horse needs to have a dental exam at least annually; however, senior horses and horses with advanced needs might require an exam more frequently. Each tooth will be inspected for sharpened points, disease, or abnormalities that could cause problems for the horse. Power floats are utilized along with an array of tools for more advanced dental work, such as extractions.

Vaccinations are a key part of maintaining health in horses. Every horse, no matter their occupation, should be vaccinated against the core diseases, which are rabies, tetanus, Eastern Encephalomyelitis, Western Encephalomyelitis, and West Nile. Equine Surgical Center offers the Core EQ Innovator from Zoetis, which allows all core diseases to be inoculated against in one injection. For horses who are around other horses, such as show horses or trail horses, Fluvac Innovator EHV-4/1 is recommended to protect against equine rhinopneumonitis types 1 and 4 along with equine influenza type A2 viruses. For traveling and young horses, the Pinnacle I.N. vaccine protects against strangles caused by Streptococcus equi (S. equi). Horses consuming hay, particularly round bales, are recommended to be vaccinated with BotVax B, which protects horses from equine botulism due to Clostridium botulinum type B.

Deworming schedules are different for every horse. It is recommended to deworm based on a fecal egg count performed by the veterinarian. Equine Surgical Center offers many dewormer types to best fit each situation.

All horses should be tested for equine infectious anemia each year. Equine Surgical Center offers both rushed and non-rushed Coggins testing to best suit the needs of the horse. Photo certificates are issued for each Coggins, allowing for ease in travel and in creating health certificates.

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